Bosse International Inc. has always been committed to its statements of ethics and now, since 2020, the CMC Code of Professional Conduct. We value your privacy, intellectual property, and trade secrets. Each contract is protected by a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and we will always raise matters of corporate social responsibility or conflict of interest if they arise.
Some of the ethics studies over the years include:
1. CF Code of Values and Ethics (from 2004 to 2013), when the principal management professional was a military officer in the Canadian Armed
2. Army Ethics Program course (2012), when the principal management professional was a military officer in the Canadian Armed Forces.
3. PSF401B (2008) - Military Professionalism and Ethics, a course at the Royal Military College of Canada, when the principal management professional was a military officer in the Canadian Armed Forces.
4. 4403 Corporate Social Responsibility (2013), a postgraduate course at HEC-Montréal, when the principal management professional was attending a
postgraduate management program.
5. HPPR 408 (2014), Ethics in Public Relations, a university course at the University of Victoria, as part of the principal management professional's
postgraduate continuing studies.
6. 2020, the CMC Code of Professional Conduct
7. Ethical Behaviour: Best Practices of Management Consultants (Aug. 2020), as part of the certification of the principal management professional as a
Certified Management Consultant.