We have a very grave situation in Canada, where the various levels of government in Canada are not actively supporting innovation. They are themselves not implementing new technologies quickly enough and are not supporting (enough) the implementation of measures, including new technologies and know-how that enhance our productivity.
Of course, macroeconomics can always be blamed to a certain degree for influencing how much innovation is embraced. This is not one of these times. An article by Deloitte states that "... in Canada, limitations caused by a lack of policy, programs, and funding opportunities are hindering the innovation sector...". Furthermore, Deloitte leadership sees two driving lines that the federal government, specifically, should adopt:
A catalyst for transformative societal and economic advancement.
A global leader that consistently raises the bar on international innovation standards.
Provincial governments could adopt several measures as well to reward productivity. They have the biggest role when it comes to education and health but also construction and we know that both construction and health have seen no increases in productivity since the early 1990's. Here is the full article by Deloitte: https://www2.deloitte.com/ca/en/pages/public-sector/blog/future-role-government-catalyze-innovation-canada.html